Just a girl trying to make sense of the world

Breastfeeding and low supply

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Low supply means that your body is not producing enough breast milk to meet your baby’s needs.

In my experience this occurs when we don’t latch the baby to the breast often enough.  And I get it, sometimes it is painful, we are recovering from vaginal birth or C-section, and we are sleep deprived.

Some things you can try to increase your milk supply are:

1. Get an appointment with a lactation consultant.  Generally the pain is cause by a bad latch.  The baby is probably not latching property, due to positioning, touch tights, etc.  A lactation consultant would look at how you breastfeed and teach you how to properly position your baby on the breast.  Also, they would check for Tonge tights and recommend any further steps.

        2. Breastfeed your baby or pump as ofter as possible.  10 to 12 times a day, including at night.  

        3. Take care of yourself. Eat enough protein, keep yourself hydrated and get enough sleep (I know this on is hard, but try to sleep when the baby sleeps).

        4. Massage your breast before feeding or pumping. This help get the breast prepared for nursing or pumping and more milk can be release.

        5. Pump after feedings, and when away from your baby. Pumping after feedings tell your body that it need to produce more milk, and it a few day, your baby should be able to produce more milk.

        6. Do skin to skin with your baby.  Having your baby close and smelling your baby might help with milk supply.

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